Photo credit: Ameline Vildaer
What I love <3
Graphic novels, drag, pole dancing, tropical plants, traveling, cycling when it’s not raining, tattoos.
Who am I?
After working in an advertising agency, I quickly needed to add meaning in my work. Supported by Topla, a publishing house of educational games, I launched Sexploration, a collection of sex education games for teens and adults.
I then started to work as a consultant for local communities, associations and ethical companies. I designed didactic or communication mediums, such as educational games, prevention leaflets, illustrated educational boards, or posters.
“I work on educational and playful projects on topics such as: emotional and sexual life, social issues, health and ecology. “
Passionate about popularization, I always keep an educational and playful approach with my different clients. I like to do visual facilitation and think about my designs in terms of accessibility and understanding. I create modern and colorful illustrations, with a variety of representations, so that the public can spontaneously identify with the visuals.
Beyond my design practice, I lead sex education workshops and I volunteer in associations. I regularly organize activities in collaboration with prevention associations in my area, for different audiences: high school students, school dropouts, students, adults.
An idea, a project?